Sport Tracks 3.0 builds on the past 2.x versions in that it fully revamps much of the foundation for Sport Tracks. And in general, you'll find that if a particular feature isn't inbox - it's likely in a plug-in version somewhere. Sport Tracks is also unique in that it allows 3rd party developers to create incredible plug-ins for the application, which can extend the functionality in a number of innovative ways. But in the meantime, here's the quick skinny…įor those not familiar, Sport Tracks is a free desktop application that allows you to fully manage all of your training and racing history, as well as data from just about any sports technology device out there. Yes, indeed! In fact, I just posted a detailed look at the new version of SportTracks 3.0 last week. "Are you going to do a review of the new Sport Tracks 3.0 software?" This week's mailbag covers the following topics:Ģ) Choosing between a CompuTrainer or a Power Meterģ) Fixing Garmin Edge 500/705 rubber cover And if you have any questions, you can always e-mail me directly. So if you enjoy what you find here, then feel free to click the links to find even more in depth information on each topic. The mailbag has moved though - from my little place on the web, over here to Slowtwitch. I started the Weekly Mailbag series earlier this spring as an opportunity to share some of the answers of the many e-mailed questions I get each week.

I write about my triathlon/running training in general, along with sports technology and whatever else seems interesting to me. If you've ever searched for reviews on sports technology - you've probably come across my site.