Please consider leaving this checkbox on, at least for a while, so that I can verify the app runs smoothly and no exceptions are thrown across variety of devices and OS versions Setting to turn on/off telemetry collection.When selected, the app starts at 80% zoom for the fullscreen screenshot, and area screenshots will open at 100% zoom more often

Setting to open Shottr window bigger by default.Setting to change behavior of the Escape button when nothing is selected (options to Copy image and/or Save image).Ability to change object styling (color, thickness, line style, pixelation level, etc).The feature is still available through the menu and with the shortcuts (Cmd+E, F2) Upload button is removed from the toolbar. Fixes Text label rendering bug intrpduced by macOS Ventura Beta 4.Improved Text-only erase and pixelation accuracy for Chinese.Undo/Redo now available from the menu as well.More robust DPI detection when working with Retina and Non-retina monitors at the same time.Added customizable shortcut for the Repeat Area capture.

System notifications are available in the app settings, but they will only work if Shottr is allowed to show them (System Preferences → Notifications) Custom confirmations for OCR, Color Copy, Save and Upload, and an option to turn off notifications completely.

Quickly create two-frame animations (paste an "after" image on top of the "before" screengrab, press "5" to enable transpaency, align frames and hit the GIF icon in the top right corner of the app):