WatchGuard, the WatchGuard logo, WatchGuard Dimension, Firebox, Core, Fireware, and LiveSecurity are registered trademarks or trademarks of WatchGuard Technologies in the United States and/or other countries. This value is the MAC or hardware address for the computer. Look for the entry for the computer’s “physical address.”.Ipconfig /all (Windows) or ifconfig (OS X or Linux). From the command line of the computer whose MAC address you want to find, type.To find the MAC address of a computer on your network:

A MAC address is usually shown in this form: XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX, where each X is a digit or letter from A to F. It is a unique identifier specific to the networkĬard in the computer.

You will find the MAC address on the hardware tab. The network address for the service is displayed in the window. (You may need to scroll down.) Click the Info button to the right of a service that’s turned on. Select your network connection and click Advanced. On your Mac, choose Apple menu > System Settings, click General in the sidebar, then click Sharing on the right. Go to Utilities (Finder > Utilities OR command + shift + u) and start the Terminal app. The wired MAC address will be listed under Ethernet adapter Ethernet next to Physical Address.

You should see the MAC address in this format 00:00:00:00:00:00 following HWaddr In the terminal, type ifconfig and press ENTER.How to find the MAC address in Unix or Linux You should see the MAC address in this format 00:00:00:00:00:00 In the DOS prompt, type ipconfig /all and press ENTER.Read my article about MAC addresses How to find the MAC address How to find the MAC address in Windows IAB is also known as Individual Address Blocks and the number of addresses is 2 24 or 16 million. MA-S, or MAC Address Block Small, is a block of MAC addresses where the maximum of addresses is 2 12 or 4096. Then click Advanced > TCP/IP and you will. MA-M, or MAC Address Block Medium, is a block of MAC addresses where the maximum number of addresses is 2 20 or 1 million. To find your IP address on a Mac, go to System Preferences > Network and select your connection in the left sidebar. MA-L, or MAC Address Block Large is a block of MAC addresses where the maximum number of addresses is 2 24 or 16 million. The OUI is basically the first three octets of a MAC address. They are purchased and assigned by the IEEE. They can either be written in either of these formats:Īn OUI is a 24-bit number that uniquely identifies a vendor or manufacturer. It is a 48-bit number (12 hexadecimal characters). Coming up: MAC address API What is a MAC address? What is OUI? What are MA-L, MA-M, MA-S?Ī MAC address is a unique identifier for network interfaces.